Thursday, October 23, 2008

Shoot em up - 2008

I heard some mixed reviews regarding this one starring Clive Owen. Some said it worked while others said it was not so good and seem overly crass. So, I gave this movie a whirl just to see which group I fell into. Well I guess I fall into the second group of people. I was out looking for a few good laughs unfortunately I did not find any and in fact sad to say I fell asleep a few times during the movie! I could hardly force a laugh out! Take a lesson from some Stephen Chow's movies please Mr Davis. Somehow the supposedly funny scenes did not work for me and what I was left with was this dis-engaged feeling from the whole proceedings.

Well, let me just get some of Mr Davis's earlier efforts later and I will see if his earlier efforts are better than this doozer.

The whole thing felt false to me and even the combined forces of both the movie's leads, Clive Owen and Monica Belluci failed to raise me from my mid way movie slumber. Hubba Hubba though for Monica Belluci. If you are forced to watch this movie at gun point, just forward to the love making scene between Owen and Belluci and get it done with. The words "Rolling around like a Bollywood movie" will never have the same meaning anymore after that.

Trailer :

Imdb Page:

Shootem up

So, only watch this one if you are having a really slow afternoon or you are a die hard Clive Owen fan.

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