Friday, June 13, 2008

Indiana Jones 4

For those of you that live under a cave, I will still try not to spoil this movie and provide you a chance to catch it for yourself because I know this one is an all time favorite.

Hmm what can I say about this one? I really liked the build up to the story although I must say that Harry Ford looks a bit too crufty to play the part of Indy. It had some of the elements of the old Indy Jones movies I loved while growing up. I thought the general plot was enough to hold my attention through out the movie and was light enough never taking itself too seriously.

The beginning scene where our hero is introduced only in his shadow on the car shadowing his famous hat is just superb and done with style.The action that ensues from this scene never lets up right until the end and it has Indy painted all over the screen. However, the one thing that really let this movie down for me was the X-Files ripped ending. I just couldn't jive with it. An ark or a the holy grail now those things jives with an Indiana Jones movie, but that ?! Half way through while sitting in the theater, suspecting the direction of the plot I heard my self moan "Oh please do not go there .... please please don't go there" and true enough about 45 minutes later my greatest fears about the plot was confirmed!

Steve, why did you have to let a favorite classic of mine go down with a whimper like this? **sob sob** booyah to you man !

Catch the trailer here :

1 comment:

spchu said...

Although it pales in comparisson to the other 3, I still did enjoy myself watching this movie,

I give it 6/10

Some of the Scenes I enjoyed when Indy were thrown a snake in the quick sand.