Friday, April 8, 2011

Source Code (2011)

First up review without spoilers .. this was really really good. I liked it. All I can say is going in I was very nervous as I really liked Duncan Jones's earlier effort Moon.

I really was not disappointed. This is sci fi with a heart and it's written quite well. Think GroundHog day plus 12 monkeys. As with the first the signature of Jones is all over this movie fro the loneliness feel of the protagonist, the question on what it really means to be us and that Chesney Hawkes song! The song is used very effectively here.

Right from the beginning we are in the shoes of Captain Colter Stevens waking up in this strange training and frame by frame we are made aware of his mission on this train reminisce of 12 monkeys here. There is a bit of romance thrown in with Michelle Monaghan but not too much to detract the story. It's always in the back ground.

You should just go in with a mind to enjoy this one and you really will, trying too much to think about the viability of the technological bits of this film and you might just end up missing the point that Duncan is so glaringly trying to put forth. The wife and me really enjoyed this one!

4.5 out of 5

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