Revenge (in movies at least) is a dish best served simple. Park Chan Wook director of Oldboy understands this and from the looks of Dead Man's Shoes understands it really well too. We get straight to the act of revenge itself and it works really well.
Both Shane and Park understands that after a certain amount of time is spent establishing the reason for the act of violence, we want to just see the damn bastards get their come uppance. Here we are told the reason behind the revenge in a series of flash backs told in black and white. What ever pity you have for one of the victims will be replaced with satisfaction as their acts of what they did are shown as the flash backs reveals more and more of their dirty deeds committed against the protagonist's brother. If you feel some of the acts meted out are too harsh then, to appreciate it this show has got to be followed to the end where the violence done to them are justified in a semblance of a twist. Just hold your judgement on whether the violence is justified till the end. Will not give anything away here just watch it. Ain't no sixth sense class twist but it's sufficient here.
4 out of 5