First of the bat let me just say that thr(k)iller genre especially those featuring a somewhat supernatural killer is one of my favorites, so movies like Seven, Fallen and From Hell remains up there as my favorite movies of all time. I guess it then be an understatement to say that I was excited when I chanced upon "Horsemen" from the same director that brought us From Hell on hbo the other day! WooHooo! Finally! Haven't seen one of these in too long a time I thought exuberantly to myself, rubbing my hands together preparing to be shock-a-tained. Did it pay off ? Did the horsemen galloped my sense off into blissful excitement and bloody glee? No! No! and No!
This is definitely one movie that is out of date and out of it's time. Perhaps before the advent of movies like Seven or the multitude of incarnation of the CSI franchise, this may have had a chance of being seen as good or even watchable. Alas, this now seems like a rehash or a re-run of an episode of CSI.
Dennis Quaid plays an inspector or some pathologist specializing in teeth or something like on the trail of a killing that seems to be tied to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Sound good so far? So I thought at first, but all of these things have been done before as I said and better in movies like Seven so all I felt is been there and seen thta computer generated punctured lung!
Come on, the so-called main 'Baddie' or Horsemen as they call it can't even hold a candle and that being on the calmest of days against Spacey's John Doe. Sorry Mr. Jonas Ã…kerlund but this is all too much of a worn out and trodden path that you are trying to bring us on and I can't say much about the execution of the whole mess either.
At the end of it, I don't even know how I should feel. Should I feel for the plight of the Horsemen or be amazed at how Zhang ZiYi and Quaid is wasted in this turd of a movie! The writers of this movie also decided to save the worst for last. It hit a nadir for me during the 'the reveal' of the movie when the message of the movie is shoved down the audience throat with a huge cattle poke suffering the same problem as the movie "The book of Eli". Jonas, when you trust your audience a bit that they can work a bit like the detective in the movie uncovering the message your are trying to put across much like how the truth is finally revealed, the pay off is better and it's more memorable. As it is, I felt the final message that it tries to put across is peachy and pretentious. Thanks, but I am just going to watch a re-run of my copy of Seven now.
Ugh ... 2/10!