This is what animation is all about. Able to tell a story that otherwise the human beings can't. This movie is simply put- SUPERB.
We all go to movies wanting to forget any problems that we may encounter in our real life.. and watching this movie was able to transport me to another world. My problem seems so miniscule compared to the title Character, Wall-E,
There was hardly any dialogues uttered in the first 30 minutes of the movie. Yet as the saying goes Actions speak louder than words.
Pixar is back at their very best, after last year's success with Ratatoutie
Being a cross between Short Circuit's robot and Spielberg's ET, Wall E will charm your heart with his innocence and Love and Devotion for Eve. Trust me, this movie is just not for the kids. It's truly one that need to be watched to be believed.
Also check out the beginning where there is shorts on a funny magician with his rabbit which would certainly get you in the mood of the main story.
A bit on how Pixar evolved so far.