I saw this movie free, so decided to review it.
How I got it free? Register with http://www.gsc.com.my/
and on your birtdays they send you an email for a free voucher to the movie with asterix as advertised in the newspaper.
So you get to see movies which are already a few months shown.
Back to the movie, I rate this better than part 2, but then if you've seen one, you've seen them all. It seems to keep to its formula. Show zombies in the beginning and middle part trying to devour humans and end it with a monster to fight Alice, the heroin.
The crow scenes are quite tense, I must say......but still Resident Evil has become too formulaic and predictable, it's almost a case of who stays alive.....and of course Alice will survive, and this time there's a lot of Alice... wondering what I am on abt, watch it, I wont spoil it for you.